The Finarty company

  • Financial information
  • Internet-media in finance
  • Internet-consulting and support of the Russian financial websites
  • Information and consulting activities
  • Advertising and design
  • Photo services and specialized financial photobank
  • Publishing services

Finarty project started in 2007. In 2015 Finarty evolved into an independent company. The Finarty company is a partner of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Commission on banks and banking, Association of Regional Banks of Russia, Association of Russian Banks, Centre for Regulation in OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Agency of the financial communications EMQUARTA, 123Service holding, MaxiMarkets company, Makovskiy’s publishing house, Magazine "Banking and the business world", Internet-portal and a number of other organizations, companies and mass media.

Finarty Headquarters is located in Moscow. Company's representatives also conduct activities in Kazan and Tel-Aviv.

The company's team has received more than 20 professional awards including diplomas and honorary signs of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia and the Association of Russian Banks, awards of international banking forum in Sochi, diploma of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and others.

Within the Finarty project several internet portals devoted to various financial aspects of the market have been created and are being successfully developed. As a part of the Finarty company there is an acting photo service and specialized financial photobank.

The Finarty’s publishing group has published about ten books. The Finarty company provides a full cycle of publishing services - book project development, editing, design, layout, proofreading, pre-press and production of edition - in any format (albums, books, booklets, magazines, calendars).

Finarty's commercial service offers our customers and partners a set of information and advertising services - conducting photo and video shootings, TV-production, publishing and printing services, website development and technical support, advertising in electronic and print media.

The Company Mission

Finarty's mission consists of active participation in the development of the Russian financial market, the establishment of full-fledged financial information system, improving of information capabilities of private and institutional investors, financial companies and banks, the development of diversified infrastructure of the financial industry, full coverage of modern economic processes.

Modern financial markets can and should be a resource for economic and social development. Independent finance mean free society, free creativity, free development.


Команда Finarty